20th January 2025

Outlining Lettering. Basic Outlining Skills 3.

Outlining Lettering Basic Outlining Skills.
Outlining Lettering.

Outlining Lettering.

Basic Outlining Skills Part 3.


In this video Alan Gear from Rainbow Glass (Alan and Barrys Crafts) shows us how to use coloured outliner for lettering. This is the third part of the outlining video from Alan and Barry. They all contain lots of hints and tips on improving your outlining skills and improve your glass painting. Most of the paints / outliners used in the video were made by Rainbow Glass. That company no longer exists but replacements can be found for everything.

This is a very simple technique.

  • Choose a font or fonts you want to use on your computer. The “joined up ones work best.
  • Print out a sheet with the words on you wish to make.
  • Place the sheet under a spare piece of glass or release papers.
  • Outline the words onto the glass. In doing so join together any letters in words if they aren’t already joined.
  • Leave the work to dry.
  • Peel the words off the glass.  Alan uses his finger nails in the video. I rend to start them off with a craft knife.
  • You now have the words which should re stick without any gluing, on any non-porous surface. You may need a dab of glue if you intend to use then on anything porous. (such as paper or card).
Outlining Lettering
Outlining Lettering.

You can play around with this technique. You don’t have to stick to one colour outliner per word. You can also drop extra bits such as glitter into the wet outliner.

A word of warning. Some outliners are better than peeling than others. I like Plaid Gallery Glass best but it only comes in 3 colours. Gold, Silver and Black. (Actually the black is dark grey. This is a bit limiting but it does peel really well. If you get stuck for coloured outliner you can always try making your own as we show you in one of our other articles. The one made with bathroom sealant in quite flexible and peelable. Experiment with different things for colour. (Printer ink, food colouring etc.).

3 thoughts on “Outlining Lettering. Basic Outlining Skills 3.

  1. Thank you so much for this information. I have been watching you tube came across you video and read your information to go to this site. Thanks againg

  2. Hi. Great video. Can this be done with the type of glass paints that can be heat fixed such as pebeo vitrea? Thanks

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