6th February 2025

Pebeo Arti Stick Window Paint Review.

This is our review of Pebeo Arti Stick Window paint. This is what as know as a “pipe and peel” paint. One you can work on flat then once it has dried peel it off and move it to a window or such like. It is often used by children but it does also make a good paint for adults as you can create Christmas decorations etc.

As with all the reviews on this site the views it contains are solely those of the author. We try and be as honest as possible as not doing so would make any review pointless. If you read other reviews you will find we have a mixture of good, bad and indifferent.  You should also note that it is obvious from discussions on our Facebook page etc. that people have very different views about glass paints and outliners and your experience of  Pebeo Arti Stick glass paints might be very different to ours. If you do have a different opinion, or even if you agree with this review, you are welcome to add your view in the comment section at the end of this article.

Pebeo Arti Stick Window Paint Review.Pebeo Arti Stick Window Paint Review.


Pebeo Arti Stick Window Paint Review.

What Is Pebeo Arti Stick Window Paint?

This is a thick waterbased glass paint which, as mentioned above, is peelable when dry. It is the same type of paint as Plaid Gallery Glass or Glas Design by Hobby LIne. It is used in quite specific types of glass painting and you will find several videos/articles on this site explaining what you can do with it.

Pebeo Artistick Peelable Glass Paint.Pebeo Artistick Peelable Glass Paint.

The range consists of 11 normal colour, 1 glow in the dark, 7 sparkling colours and 4 fluorescent colours. In addition to this there are 3 outliners: black, gold and silver. Each is available in 75ml tubes or 500ml bottles.

For the purposes of this review I purchased 4 colours, black, red, yellow and blue in 75ml tubes plus a 500ml bottle of black outliner.

Pebeo Arti Stick Outliner.

The very first time I used this outliner I found it too runny. The was solved to some extent by giving the bottle a good shake but I still found it slightly runnier than I’m used to. I had purchased a 500ml bottle with the intent of using it from a piping bag. This was fine although I had to change my technique slightly due to the speed at which it came out. I had to work a little faster, be a little more delicate with my squeezing and generally be a bit more careful with it.

Once dried it gives a lovely black glossy finish, I do hope the gold and silver do similar. It was certain completely peelable.(I was working on punched pockets) so is perfect for the paint we are going to use it with. Having said that I hope it can be used in my general glass painting as well as the price for a very large bottle (500ml) was really good. (especially when you compare it to how much you pay for 20ml tubes of the harder outliner).

Pebeo Arti Stick Paint.

Artistick Colour Chart.
Artistick Colour Chart. (Click to enlarge).

The paint flows surprisingly well for what is a “thick” window paint. The positive side of this is that it gives a nice smooth finish and blends well. (for a peelable paint). The downside is it far too easy to use too little paint as it spreads so well. You should ensure you put plenty of paint of otherwise the finished item will be too thin and tear too easily.

As said once dried the paint gives a lovely smooth finish, much more so than other well-known brands. Also the colours are bright and the transparency good.  Finally it peeled off without any problem ( I used it on punched pockets which I often do my peelable work on).

Summery. Pebeo Arti Stick Window Paint Review.

I really like this paint, in fact I think it will be my first choice in future when I want to buy a peelable paint. (although I admit I do a lot of my peelable work in my home-made paint. Unfortunately these aren’t quite as transparent as this purchased ones). I do have some concerns about the outliner, it flows just that bit too well. Having said that it gives a nice glassy finish and doesn’t spread once piped. I’m hoping I will get more used to it over time, after all I have 500ml of the stuff to practice with!

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