Unfortunately one of the things we lost in the move was the forum. There are technical reasons why we couldn’t move the old forum over including the fact it contained over 5,000 spammer accounts. So we have started the forum afresh, We have managed to move all the images over from the old gallery so if any of them are yours please open a new forum account and then contact us to have the images moved over to you.

Now that the site update has been completed we are busy updating the old content and adding new items. We have already updated our Basic Outlining Skills video which was one of the first we ever did. We have a new project filming now and some more designs which will be added shortly. We hope this will all give the site a fresh start.
Glass Painting Outlining
From now on the newsletter will be published online and we will use the link just to send out the link. We use this method successfully on another site and it means people can read the newsletter at their leisure. We will also be able to build up an archive of old newsletter which people can read when they wish.
We really hope you like the new look site. We are looking forward to bringing you lots more content over the coming months.